Production Blog: Film day 2

 Today everything did not go as smoothly as before. Last time we all made it to the meeting place but this time it did not go as well. I was not able to make it to the recording spot on time because there was traffic. This delayed are recording. Eventually I made it to the recording spot. We procrastinated filming a bit doing other stuff but eventually started. We began setting up to record. We recorded at Benjamin's house and continued where we left off from the Uber scene. We chose to end filming there because it would allow us to smoothly change locations the next day. For the next scene it still had to be raining so we set it up for that. We do a scene where we all enter Ben's house which we also had to set up the camera in advance. After that the camera goes to inside the house and there is a time skip. We finished up the last few scenes without incidents. We had to retry some of them due to small mess ups such as breaking character. We will have to edit the footage later but that was are day recording.


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