Production Blog: Film day 1
Last week we chose the day to meet for filming. Today we were all able to make it to are meeting place. We met at a park to film. When we met at the park we had to prepare to film. We all came in our casual clothes that we didn't mind getting wet. We gave ourselves different roles for filming but we all helped each other out in the end. This was because we each needed to learn the different tools. When we were filming it went very smoothly for most of it. We were figuring things out as we went. We had done all the planning in advance but actually going according to plan was harder the it seemed. The first scene the establishing shot was simple and it was just the beginning to are music video. All three of us were in this scene so we had to setup are camera. The second scene also went smoothly but setting up the rain was a bit difficult. I entered in the third scene and became an actor. After Tom entered in the fourth scene. This is where it became a bit difficult because we had to set up the camera. The last scene we recorded that day because the next scene was in another location.
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